Decorative model made in wood, painted and built completely by hand. A great gift for lovers of naval history.
The clipper is was a merchant sailing ship, designed for speed. Created in the coast of east Amercia, the clipper had it's hayday in mid XIX century travelling the trade routes to tea and cotton for the British Empire and the passage from New York to San Francisco during the californian gold rush.
Maqueta decorativa realizada en madera, pintada y completamente montada de forma artesanal. Un bonito objeto marino para los amantes de los barcos históricos.
El Clipper es un barco de vela caracterizado por su alta velocidad. Creado en la costa este americana, el clípper tuvo su apogeo a mediados del siglo XIX en las rutas comerciales del té y del algodón del Imperio británico y en el enlace entre New York y San Francisco en la época de la Fiebre del oro.
Typical basque boat originally created for tuna fishing. They are characterized by a raised prow that protects them from the battering of the waves.Fully assembled model. Hand-painted and handmade from wood.
HANDMADE DECORATIVE PIRATE BOAT. Decorative small model boat of a pirate galleon made of wood, painted and completely assembled by hand. Sizes: 16x16x4.2 cm.
Thoniers (XIXth century) were designed with tuna fishing in mind. Originating in Brittany (France), they are traditional maritime symbols. Their unique shape allowed fishermen to quickly return to port and sell their haul.Fully assembled model. Hand-painted and handmade from wood.
Fishing boat used predominantly for fishing crabs, spider crabs and lobsters.Model boat hand made in wood.
The Shamrock II was designed in 1900 by naval architect George Lennox Watson for Sir Lipton of the Royal Ulster Yacht Club and was built by the William Denny & Brothers shipyard. The fourth and last sailing boat designed by Watson for the America's Cup, she was launched on 30 April as the British challenger to America's Columbia in the 1901 Cup....